No code

Upsellr (IA Powered Project)

For a French startup project, I focused on developing the automation component for the proof of concept. This SaaS aims to generate landing pages by utilizing AI for data crawling and content generation, which is then compiled into JSON and formatted into an HTML template. Project:

Kubernetes powered by Rancher


Stacks fully managed by me using rancher and orignally deployed with rke.

Stack operating now

No code environment, symfony stack and many wordpress site like this one.

How it started

Easy deployments with Python and Kubectl, with CI/CD.


A WEB3 Dockerized project.

The SentinelDVPN project is a decentralized VPN designed for a residential P2P virtual private network.

To enhance its usability, I decided to create a Dockerized version of the Sentinel DVPN CLI. This allows users to easily subscribe to and connect with DVPN network nodes.

I developed this for the community and not for profit, deriving great satisfaction from the work.

You can find the Docker Hub project here: CyberPoison/sentinel-cli

Docker Project

+ 700 Pulls on Docker Hub


Webagenceo (Generating Mobile Network Transactions)

To ensure seamless operation of various websites like WordPress and Symfony applications, I deployed a Kubernetes cluster with three nodes managed by Rancher. This setup enhances management and scaling. For high availability and handling large traffic volumes, I integrated NGINX Ingress controllers and a LoadBalancer. This ensures applications like N8N and NocoDB perform optimally under heavy loads. Persistent storage is managed with Longhorn, providing reliable and scalable storage. Helm is used to streamline application deployment, ensuring consistency and efficiency. CI/CD pipelines automate the packaging and deployment process, accelerating release cycles and minimizing manual intervention. Additionally, I deployed Plane, a project management tool similar to Notion, to boost team collaboration and productivity. In summary, by leveraging Rancher, NGINX Ingress, LoadBalancer, Longhorn, Helm, CI/CD pipelines, and Plane, I have created a robust, scalable infrastructure for WebAgenceo, ensuring high performance and continuous availability of applications. Site: Webagenceo

Qooje (Simplify Your Advertising on Google)

I successfully built and deployed MySQL, Symfony, PHP-FPM, Apache, and phpMyAdmin on Kubernetes. This setup ensures optimal scalability and performance, leveraging Kubernetes’ capabilities for seamless scaling and resource management. Each component is finely tuned for maximum efficiency, resulting in a robust and scalable infrastructure for demanding web applications.


Site: Qoojee